FireWise Consulting & Learning Academy

Glen Sanders


Mr. Sanders is a founding partner of FireWise Consulting and with over 38 years of experience as a Fire Service Professional. Glen is a past member of the Shawnigan Lake Volunteer Fire Department, serving 21 years as Fire Chief. During his tenure as Fire Chief, Glen developed expert knowledge of the effective delivery of volunteer fire services and understands the expectations, requirements, challenges, and alternatives facing volunteer fire and emergency response departments. He oversaw the construction of two new fire halls and a permanent fireboat base, the purchase of fire apparatus including a fire/rescue boat and developed operational guidelines for all fire department operations. Glen is a recognized leader in the British Columbia fire service, having served on many Fire Chiefs’ Association of BC Committees focused on Fire Safety, The Fire Service Act, Out of District Response and Strategic Planning for the Fire Service. For his work on the BC Hydro Marijuana Task Force Advisory Committee, Glen received the Governor General’s award for Public Safety in 2005. Glen was also appointed Fire Chief of the Year in 2006 by the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs.