FireWise Consulting & Learning Academy

American Fire Investigation Origin and Cause
Level I and II

Complete our Standards-Based
Online Fire Investigation Training
(Level I and II).

When completing both levels, the FireWise Certified Fire Investigation Origin and Cause Training meets or exceeds the job performance requirements (JPR) of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 1033 (NFPA 1033 training) “Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator”.

Who should take the Fire Investigation Origin and Cause Level I and II course?

Anyone interested in affordable fire investigation education with flexible scheduling should take this program. FireWise training is designed for restricted budgets (i.e. travel costs and time away from work) and those with busy professional and personal lives.

LeveI I


  • Level I meets or exceeds the learning outcomes of sections of NFPA 1021 Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications.
  • Several subject matter experts, including the late Dr. DeHaan, one of the leading experts in the world in the field of fire investigation and author of six editions of Kirk’s Fire Investigation, contributed to the development of the course content.
  • Study Guide – the current edition of NFPA 921

Course benefits:

  • Convenient and affordable fire investigation training with fewer travel costs, less time away from work, and fewer scheduling conflicts.
  • Informed by decades of fire investigation fieldwork, this course has all the behind-the-scenes experience to grow individuals professionally.
  • Flexible education delivery to meet your needs; start anytime and work at your own pace.

Course delivery:

  • Online – University-quality curriculum; easy-to-navigate learning platform.

Course structure:

Level I: Twenty-four chapters with quizzes, a mid-term quiz, and a final exam.


  • 24 +/- hours of online study time. Work at your own pace.

Course fee:

  • FIOC-I Fire Investigation Origin & Cause FIOC-I  $557.00 USD

Course developers:

FireWise partnered with the world’s leading fire investigation expert, the late Dr. John David DeHaan, to deliver this proprietary training program.

Together with Dr. DeHaan, Mr. Bob Turley, a founding partner of FireWise, delivers the fire investigation curriculum founded on 40 years of fire investigation experience. To learn more about Bob’s extensive history, click here.

Technical requirements:

A high-speed internet connection and current internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Edge.


Fire Investigation Level I only – printable certificate of completion awarded upon achieving 70% or higher.

Complete both Fire Investigation Level I and Level II, and you have completed the training for the NFPA Professional Qualification NFPA 1033 Fire Investigator.

LeveI II: Online

LeveI II : Online

Virtual: Learn how to investigate a fire through this online training developed using 360-degree video technology. Using footage from live burns, it is designed to help you virtually investigate a fire while meeting all the skills-based JPRs of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 1033. I suggest you reverse the In-person and virtual text in an attempt to drive students to the virtual program


Fire Investigation Origin and Cause Level I through FireWise Consulting.


• The course includes a virtual fire investigation using 360-degree video technology and a series of four assignments submitted online.

Course Benefits

  • Convenient and affordable fire investigation training with fewer travel costs, less time away from work, and fewer scheduling conflicts.
  • Informed by decades of fire investigation fieldwork, this course has all the behind-the-scenes experience to grow individuals professionally.
  • Flexible education delivery to meet your needs; start anytime and work at your own pace.

Course delivery:


Course structure:

  • Answering written questions.
  • Conducting a peer review of a technical fire report.
  • Writing a technical fire investigation report based on a fire you investigate using 360-degree technology.
  • Preparing a PowerPoint presentation of your findings, and
  • Present your results to a College of the Rockies (COTR) evaluator using virtual technology and shared computer screens and write a proctored exam.


Estimated time for completion of online assignments 16-20 hours

Estimated time for completion of College of the Rockies evaluation 2 hours

Course fee:

  • FIOC-II Fire investigation origin & cause FIOC-II $1405.00 USD


FireWise Instructors will be available to answer your questions and will supply feedback on your submitted assignments.

Technical requirements:

A high-speed internet connection and current internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Edge.


The College of the Rockies provides Pro Board ® Accredited Certification. Registration is facilitated through FireWise.

  • You will need to present your PowerPoint/ Google Slides submission of your findings to a College of the Rockies evaluator during a virtual meeting as well as write a proctored exam.
American Fire Investigation Origin and Cause Level I and II course