FireWise Consulting & Learning Academy

Fire Inspector Training

Complete our Online Fire Inspector Training

 The FireWise Certified Fire Inspector program meets or exceeds the job performance requirements (JPRs) of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1030 Standard for the Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspectors 2024 Edition. It has been updated in response to incorporate the changes approved by the NFPA Standards Council as a part of the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan.

​The 2024 Edition of NFPA 1030, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Prevention Program Positions, is a consolidation of NFPA 1031, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner; NFPA 1035, Standard on Fire and Life Safety Educator, Public Information Officer, Youth Firesetter Intervention Specialist and Youth Firesetter Program Manager Professional Qualifications; and NFPA 1037, Standard on Fire Marshal Professional Qualifications.


Who should take this course?

Those wishing:

  • To meet the JPRs of NFPA 1030 Fire Inspector.
  • Increase their knowledge around the Canadian Fire & Building Codes and referenced standards.
  • To seek employment or advancement in fire prevention and building fire safety management.


By the end of the Fire Inspector course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills to conduct complex inspections and assess building fire safety. They will be well-versed in the fire inspection process, understand both passive and active fire protection systems, review and process plans, handle complaints, and make informed recommendations in alignment with the codes they enforce.

Course benefits:

Prepares students to meet the NFPA job performance requirements for Fire Inspector.

  • Provides a foundation for proficient use of applicable Canadian Codes and Standards.
  • Provides knowledge and skills to conduct fire inspections and evaluate the fire safety of buildings, fire protection systems, and conformity with codes and standards.
  • Easy to navigate university adult learning quality platform.

Course Fee Detail:

The course tuition fees are for the Knowledge-Based curriculum. A SEPARATE tuition fee is collected and paid to the College of the Rockies for the Pro Board® certification. The two fees will be added during the checkout process if Pro Board® certification is requested.

$1,357.00 – FI course fee only
+ $450 – The College of the Rockies (COTR) evaluation & certification fee
$1807 Total plus applicable tax

Course Delivery and Duration:

Online. Self-paced.

30+/- hours, including 15 Chapters, concluding with an online final prep exam.


FireWise offers training for the NFPA Professional Qualification for NFPA 1030 Fire Inspector. Pro Board® Accredited Certification is provided by the College of the Rockies. If you need Pro Board® Accredited Certification, make sure to add the certificate fee to your cart at check-out, and FireWise will guide you through the certification process.

NOTE: The College of the Rockies is awaiting official Pro Board® accreditation for the new NFPA 1030 standard. Certification is expected by early 2025, with certificates retroactively dated to your exam pass date. In the meantime, COTR can issue its own certificate upon request.

Technical requirements:

High-speed internet connection and current internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Edge.

Course materials:

All necessary materials will be accessible through our online learning platform. Access to the National Building Code and National Fire Code, which are available online for free, is required. We have also included these resources in the additional materials section.

Training support:

The in-house course instructor is available by email or phone for questions and assistance. Please email
Technical support is available during regular business hours.