FireWatch is a service that provides links to news stories from the fire community that have attracted our attention.
Balancing Fire Safety and COVID Protection
The widespread implementation of hand sanitizing stations requires schools to keep a bulk supply of hand sanitizing liquid available. And finding a safe place to store gallons upon gallons of hand sanitizing fluid is proving to be a logistical nightmare from a fire...
New engineering guide on fire safety for very tall buildings released
A new engineering guide, “Fire Safety for Very Tall Buildings,” is now available. Click here to read more.
Fire Department Training: Changing the Culture
How many times have you complained either out loud or under your breath about your fire department’s training program or lack thereof? How many times have you thought, “Somebody needs to update our fire training”? Well, that somebody could be you. Click here to read...
City aims to improve safety after 4 fire-related deaths in Edmonton’s homeless community
The City of Edmonton says it is working with its partners to increase safety for the city’s most vulnerable following the deaths of four people experiencing homelessness in fire-related situations over the past couple of months. Click here to read more.
B.C. wildfires: Indigenous report calls for change to response, recovery
An Indigenous-led review of a massive wildfire that destroyed more than 100 homes in British Columbia's southern Interior four years ago has produced 30 calls to action to improve wildfire management and recovery practices. Click here to read more.
‘As the first line goes …’: Video spotlights fast hoseline deployment
There’s an old but great saying in the fire service regarding hose advancement – “As the first line goes, so goes the fire.” Click here to read more.
Facility Safety Is A 360° Task
During 2021, the National Fire Protection Association (NPFA) marked its 125th year of protecting people and property. Click here to read more.
The Final Frontier: Fire Protection on Spaceships
What does ongoing research into this topic look like, and what are the current standard operating procedures for a spacecraft fire? Currently, NFPA is in the early stages of developing a new standard for spaceports. Click here to watch.
Moores Mill Volunteer Fire Dept. changes sign-in process with QR code in storm shelters
Now, when you come into the storm shelter you'll actually take out your phone, go to the camera and then you'll scan the QR code that pops up and it'll take you directly to a short questionnaire that'll help the volunteer fire department get through the sign-in...
Widespread Fire Hazard Mitigation Using Wood Products
Wildfires are climate risks that threaten the forests’ capacity to store carbon. Recently, California has set forest management goals to ease these risks. However, the current management strategies can incur carbon losses. Click here to read more.
Volta bets on space technology for battery storage fire prevention
"Energy storage is super important for us to get right and battery safety is a critical aspect of that. It's good to see innovation broadly in terms of advancing the safe use of battery technology." Click here to read more.
Firefighting Drones Help Localities Battle Blazes in the Wild and in Cities
Artificial intelligence, thermal imagery and sensors combine with unmanned aerial systems to contain fires and keep emergency personnel safe. Click here to read more.
NASA Technology Demonstrated in a Simulated House Fire
New technology being developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate for use by firefighters and paramedics will help track first responders inside hazardous environments that may be obscured by...
Fastest Water
The idea is that the fastest way to get water on dwelling fires is residential sprinklers. And of course making sure sprinklers are properly designed, maintained, and are not defeated by the fire service is the overall objective of this column. Click here to read more.
Cell Phones are Leading Cause in Consumer Electronic Fires
Health Canada says cellphones and smartphones now take the top spot of electronic devices that are causing fires. There were 183 fires reported across the country over the past five years involving phones and their accessories. Click here to read more.
Recalling the Devastating Fire at Windsor Castle in 1992
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London Fire Commissioner Talks About Institutional Failure at Grenfell Hi-Rise Fire
London’s fire department was part of “the most horrific example of institutional failure … in recent British history” at Grenfell Tower, the organisation’s current leader has admitted. Click here to read more.
Canadian Corporation Provides Training Money to Ontario Fire Department
Enbridge Gas is helping Brock Township Fire Department purchase firefighting training materials, through Safe Community Project Assist–a program with the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council that supplements existing training for Ontario volunteer and composite...