FireWatch is a service that provides links to news stories from the fire community that have attracted our attention.
Prescribed Burns Help to Manage Wildfires
Prescribed Burns Can Be an Effective Tool in Managing Wildfires. Click Here to Read More
Smokey the Bear
Smokey the Bear turns 75. Click here to read more.
Township of Langley CAFI Accreditation
Township of Langley Fire Department received accreditation from the Centre for Public Safety excellence. Click here to read more.
Sixty Six Million for Structure Research
NIST announces 66 million dollars for structure research. Click here to read more.
Snowmobile fire hazard
Snowmobile fire hazard and recall. Click here to read more.
Lead Poisoning Concern in Paris
After the fire at Notre Dame cathedral there is a concern about lead posioning. Click here to read more.
Electric Bike Fires – A Concern
A new concern to the fire service are electric bike fires. Click here to read more
Standardized Data Study Saves Lives
National Insitute of Standards and Technology study shows how important data isto the fire service. Click here to read more.
Long after Wildfire Cause Investigation, Nature Cleans Up
Black Backed Woodpeckers feast after wildfiresAs learned in FireWise Learning Academy's Wildfire investigation course, a wildfire cause investigator's primary goal is to locate the area of origin and then observe and collect any evidence of the source of ignition,...
Building Safety Fire Prevention Training
In Canada building owners are legally responsible for the fire safety of their properties. Our "Building Safety Fire Prevention Training" offers building owners and managers essential fire and life safety knowledge that will give them the confidence to perform a fire...
London FD seeks to provide inspectors with portable radios
The London, Ontario Fire Department is seeking $60,000 in funding to purchase portable radios for its fire inspectors to keep them safe on the job. Click here to read more.
What’s it like to investigate a wildfire?
Determining the cause of a wildfire is a painstaking, arduous job involving lots of data and hard physical labour under adverse conditions. Click here to read more.
Study finds almost 30% of female firefighters at high risk of PTSD
A study that assessed over 2,600 firefighters in a large urban fire department found female firefighters to be at high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder. Click here to read more.
BC announces extra funding for small fire departments
The Province of BC has announced $5 milion in extra funding for equipment and training for smaller volunteer and composite fire departments and First Nations communities. Click here to read more.
BC Wildfire Service pilot project plans to fight forest fires at night
The BC Wildfire Service is embarking on a pilot project using night vision technology to fight wildfires. Click here to read more.
FireSmoke Canada wildfire smoke forecasts
FireSmoke Canada provides forecasts, information and resources about smoke from wildfires. Click here to read more.
Calgary 911 receives international recognition for excellence
Calgary 911 is one of two centres in Canada (along with Red Deer) and 22 around the world to achieve status as an Accredited Centre of Excellence (ACE) for its use of the Fire Priority Dispatch System and the Medical Priority Dispatch System. Click here to read more.
Workouts pay off for firefighters
Firefighters from Nevada say their workouts taught them, "it's OK to be uncomfortable and that translates very well to working long, hard hours." Click here to read more.