Tragic Halifax fire could lead to new safety measures
Phil Rizcallah, director for construction research and development with the National Research Council of Canada, says the Halifax house fire that lead to the deaths of seven children could lead to changes to the national building code.
Former fire chief sues City of Vernon
Edmonton homeowner gets $13,000 bill from fire department
Why firefighters carry toys in Nova Scotia fire trucks
Most Nova Scotia fire trucks carry stuffed animals with them to comfort and calm children in traumatic situations. Click here to read more.
Fire retardant exposure linked to DNA modifications
Researchers at Emory University report that exposure to Polybrominated Biphenyl (PBB), an endocrine-disrupting fire retardant, apparently leads to hormone-related DNA modifications. Click here to read more.
University installs tamper dye in residence fire alarm pull stations
Queen's University Residence Sociey has added tamper dye to fire alarm pull stations in its residences to combat malicious fire alarms. Click here to read more.
Firefighters’ motorcycle club Florian’s Knights controversial
After a Burnaby firefighter and member of the Florian's Knights motorcycle club appeared in a social media post with three members of the Hell's Angels concerns were raised. British Columbia's Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth,for one, said it was "disturbing on...
Creston Council receives Technical Building Advisory Committee recommendations
At a meeting held on January 22 Creston Council received recommendations from the Fire Hall Technical Building Advisory Committee, with Ernie Polsom of FireWise Consulting Ltd. presenting the update. Click here to read more.
Five years after L’Isle Verte fire half of Quebec seniors’ homes still without sprinklers
Quebec legislation passed in 2015 after a horrific fire killed 32 people in a seniors' residence in L'Isle Verte requires all such residences to have automatic sprinklers installed by the end of 2020. To date only about half of the residences have met that...
Chicago rail operators light tracks on fire to keep trains running in extreme cold
Richmond BC conference addresses first responder mental health
The B.C. First Responders' Mental Health Committee, chaired by WorkSafe BC, recently brought around 350 people together in Richmond BC to work towards removing the stigma of mental illness often experienced by first responders struggling to deal with extraordinary...
Parks Canada brings in crews to clear deadfall and thin out aging forests
Applications for Wildfire Community Preparedness Day 2020 now open
Community groups across Canada can now apply for funding to support Wildfire Community Preparedness Day activities. The funding can be used from May 5, 2020, to October. Click here to read more.
CO detectors to be mandatory in all Quebec schools
After a gas leak in an elementary school sent 35 children and four adults to hospital the Quebec Education Minister announced that carbon monoxide detectors will be mandatory in all educational institutions in the province. Click here to read more.
Miami-Dade FD demonstrates proper use of decontamination wipes
New law allows firefighters to “double-hat”
Polish officials shut down 13 escape rooms after teens die in fire
After five teenage girls died in a fire in a locked escape room Polish officials have shut down 13 escape rooms. The girls were the first known deaths in an escape room. Click here to read more.