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FireWatch is a service that provides links to news stories from the fire community that have attracted our attention.

Alberta ranchers demand answers from Canadian military

Alberta ranchers demand answers from Canadian military

Alberta ranchers who lost homes, structures, equipment, fences and cattle after a grass fire that started on CFB Suffield swept through 36,000 hectares of land are asking for compensation and answers from the Canadian military. The military has acknowledged...

September in fire history – the Blue Bird Cafe fire

September in fire history – the Blue Bird Cafe fire

On September 1, 1972 three young men who had been refused entry set a fire on the staircase that served as the only regular entrance for the Wagon Wheel bar in Montreal. The resulting fire killed 37 people. Click here to read more.

Can wildfire smoke damage lungs?

Can wildfire smoke damage lungs?

For weeks this summer residents of British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Northern California lived in a pall of wildfire smoke. NPR's Jane Greenhalgh met with Dr. Gopal Allada, a pulmonologist and critical care specialist at Oregon Health...

Is BC doing enough to reduce wildfire risk to communities

Is BC doing enough to reduce wildfire risk to communities

After the catastrophic 2003 wildfire season former Manitoba premier Gary Filmon was hired by the province to conduct a review. His report, "Firestorm 2003", warned that action had to be taken to reduce fuels in forests near communities. Communities are now saying the...

Firefighters battle to save iconic Waterton Park hotel

Firefighters battle to save iconic Waterton Park hotel

Teams of firefighters from Taber, Coaldale, Lethbridge, Willow Creek, Calgary and Cardston arrived in Waterton National Park to protect the townsite from a raging wildfire. They employed high volume pumps, hoses and sprinkler systems in their efforts to save...

Houston residents warned of risks from bacteria, alligators

Houston residents warned of risks from bacteria, alligators

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey Houston residents are being warned to take precautions before returning to flooded homes. Houston's fire chief has told residents to wear breathing masks to protect themselves against sewer bacteria and to be aware that alligators...

June in fire history – the Great Vancouver Fire

June in fire history – the Great Vancouver Fire

On June 13, 1886 what began as a land-clearing brush fire was spread out of control by strong winds. The fire claimed dozens of lives and leveled all but a few structures in the newly incorporated city. The fire went down in history as the Great Vancouver Fire. Click...

Body of Cache Creek Fire Chief found

Body of Cache Creek Fire Chief found

The body of Cache Creek Fire Chief Clayton Cassidy has been found near the bridge washout where he disappeared nearly a month ago. Chief Cassidy was with the Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department for over 30 years and received the Medal of Good Citizenship from...

Health Canada warns of potential dangers of oil lamps sold by Firefly

Health Canada warns of potential dangers of oil lamps sold by Firefly

Health Canada is warning consumers that lamp oils and other related products sold by Firefly do not have child-resistant closures or display proper warning information. Health Canada has asked Firefly to voluntarily recall the products but has received no response....

Fatal foster home fire blamed on bolted door, loose rules

Fatal foster home fire blamed on bolted door, loose rules

A seventeen year old girl and a caregiver died in a fire in a group home near Lindsay, Ontario in February of this year. The victims were trapped in a room where the exit door was bolted shut. In Ontario foster homes and group homes operate under different licensing...

Recruitment huge issue for volunteer fire departments

Recruitment huge issue for volunteer fire departments

In towns in Canada served by volunteer fire departments recruitment has become a huge issue. Because many volunteer departments follow the same training guidelines as paid fire departments the time commitment, for people who in many cases already hold down a full-time...

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